Creating secrets

Creating a secret in the cloud management portal

To create a secret from the Cloud management portal, follow these steps:

  • Press “Secret management” and then “Secrets” in the sidebar menu.

  • Press the “+” icon in the bottom right corner.

  • Select a user from the dropdown and enter the password for that user along with other details. Credentials of the User are required so that would make him the owner of the secret.

  • Enter a descriptive name of the secret.

  • Select what kind of paylod (file or text) and input it. The Payload Data field stores the secret data which will be encrypted and stored.

  • Press “create”. The secret is now stored.

Creating a secret using the openstack terminal client

This shows you how to create a secret secret using the OpenStack Terminal Client, see below for examples.

Uploading a certificate

This is an example of how to upload a certificate in binary format that can be used for TLS when using our loadbalancer service.

openstack secret store --name='[SECRET_NAME]' -t 'application/octet-stream' -e 'base64' --payload="$(base64 < lb-cert.p12)"

Encryption key for object storage

This is an example of how to upload a encryption key that can be used with the SSE-KMS specification in our object storage service.

You can use openssl rand -base64 32 to generate a new encryption key that is base64 encoded.

openstack secret store --name '[SECRET_NAME]' --payload-content-type='application/octet-stream' --payload-content-encoding='base64' --algorithm 'aes' --bit-length 256 --mode 'ctr' --secret-type 'symmetric' --payload [base64_encoded_payload]