Creating a certificate for SSL/TLS termination using Load Balancer

When using the Load Balancer service in Binero cloud you can terminate SSL/TLS connections directly, you need to have a certificate saved in our secret store.

The certificate needs to be created in PKCS#12 format to work with the load balancer.

Converting to PKCS#12

Follow the below steps to create a PKCS#12 certificate for use with the Load Balancer service:

  • Gather your certificate and chain in a single file. For a LetsEncrypt certificates there is the file /etc/letsencrypt/live/ that is already prepared for this. If you dont use letsencrypt then you need to make sure you have the full chain of your certificate available and copy it into the same file, for instance like this: cat /etc/ssl/cert.crt /etc/ssl/chain.crt > new_cert.crt.

  • Make sure you have your key available.

  • Run the following command, replacing the items in angle brackets to the correct file names as per previous steps: openssl pkcs12 -export -in [CERT_FILE_NAME.PEM] -inkey [YOUR_KEY.KEY] -out lb-cert.p12 -passout pass:

  • The new cert (that also includes the key) is stored as lb-cert.p12

Uploading the certificate to the secret store

You are able to follow the guides for uploading the certificate to store the certificate, either using the cloud management portal or the terminal client.

See also