Managing subnets using OpenStack terminal client

Create a subnet

To create a private subnet from the from the OpenStack terminal client, follow these steps:

  • Run: openstack network list --internal, this will give you a list of available networks to add a subnet to. Note the name of the network.

  • Decide what subnet range to use. More information in the Subnet Format article.

  • Decide on using DHCP (recommended) and what pool to use. More information in the DHCP article.

  • Decide if you want to use a gateway or not. More information in the Connect subnet to router article.

  • Run: openstack subnet create --subnet-range=[RANGE] --gateway=auto --network=[NETWORK NAME] --dns-nameserver= --dns-nameserver= --allocation-pool start=[POOL START IP],end=[POOL END IP] [SUBNET NAME], replacing the items in brackets to the values identified in previous steps.

Assign subnet to router

To connect to a router, follow these steps:

  • Run: openstack router list to get the list of your available routers. Save the name of the router you want to connect the subnet to.

  • Run: openstack subnet list to get the list of your available subnets. Save the name of the subnet you want to connect to the router.

  • Run: openstack router add subnet [ROUTER NAME] [SUBNET NAME]


In the above example, the router will for instance use the default gateway IP. To have more granular control, try to add “-?” to the commands, you will then get the help function that will show you more options to work with.