Managing networks using OpenStack Horizon

Create a network

To create a network from OpenStack Horizon, follow these steps:

  • Under “project”, click “Network” and then “Networks” in the sidebar menu.

  • Click “Create Network” in the right upper corner.

  • Name your network.

  • The “enable admin state” should be selected. It controls whether the router can receive traffic (that is: that its provisioned in the platform and not just in the portal).

  • If you want to create a subnet, you could do that from this view as well, if so leave the “Create subnet” checkbox checked, if you prefer to follow our documentation and do this separately, un-check the checkbox.

  • Under “availability zone (hints)”, select the availability zone that router or instance that you want to connect the network to, resides.

  • Under MTU, enter the value 1450. Binero cloud does not currently support jumbo frames.

  • Press “create”. If you’ve opted to create a subnet at once, this option will instead be “next”.


In order to connect an instance or router to the network, you will also need to create a subnet which you can then attach to an interface on a router or an instance.