
Binero.Cloud fully supports orchestration via Heat-templates. By using Heat, you can provision resources from most parts of the platform via YAML based templates. Aside from producing a tested and speedy roll out with a very predictable result, automating in this manner gives you the ability to easily setup identical platforms, either to scale out or to move between providers that support the same technology.

Using Heat, you leverage the “Infrastructure as Code” concept in which you can check in and version manage the recipe for your system and manage changes to it programatically. While a comprehensive documentation of Heat is outside the scope of this article, please see official documentation for more information on Heat (from the official documentation).

Binero provides access to a GIT repository with Heat templates that are known to work with minimal effort on our cloud (as well as likely on other clouds running OpenStack with Heat). Please see https://github.com/binerogroup/heat-templates for inspiration on how to work with Heat!